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Texas School Ready

Texas School Ready is a comprehensive early childhood teacher training program combining a research-based, state-adopted curriculum with ongoing professional development and progress monitoring tools. Teachers from childcare centers, Head Start programs, and public school pre-kindergarten participate in TSR. Throughout the school year, teachers enrolled in TSR are provided tools to help them learn more about the specific instructional needs of the children in their classrooms and how to support children using engaging lessons and activities. The new skills and techniques that teachers learn through TSR positively affect the classroom experience for children. The goal of this program is to help children prepare to enter school. For more information, please contact Lisa Knipling.



Texas School Ready Project

Texas School Ready is a comprehensive preschool teacher training program combining a research-based, state-adopted curriculum with ongoing professional development and progress monitoring tools. The goal of this program is to help children be better prepared for school.

CLI Engage

The Children’s Learning Institute (CLI) is a leader in the development of research-based tools to improve early education quality. In 2014, CLI partnered with state agencies to build a platform that could deliver these tools to a greater number of programs. This platform, CLI Engage, now houses free resources for educators and families of children ages 0-6.

Screening, Progress Monitoring, & Observation

CLI strongly recommends the use of assessment data to help early childhood teachers understand student skill levels and individualize instruction to support areas in which students are at-risk for falling significantly behind. For infants and toddlers, tracking developmental milestones makes it far more likely that teachers and caregivers will catch cognitive and physical delays that can be remediated with early intervention. Formative assessment is also beneficial for teacher professional development by tracking the use of quality teaching behaviors and setting goals for improvement based on results.

Our child and teacher tools progress monitoring tools are designed for data-driven decision making with the overall goal to support both student and teacher growth, informing priorities for instruction/caregiving and professional development.

Click on each tool below to learn more.

 Infant & Toddler Developmental Checklists (Also check out our video series on Understanding Developmental Screening & Intervention)

 CIRCLE Progress Monitoring System (PreK)

For more information or face to face Circle Progress Monitoring Training, please contact Lisa Knipling.

An image of Lisa Knipling

Lisa Knipling

Grant Coordinator-TX School Ready