The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) was created by the Texas Legislature as part of House Bill 3 to provide a realistic pathway for top teachers to earn six-figure salaries and to help attract and retain highly effective teachers at traditionally hard-to-staff schools.
As part of the TIA criteria, effective teachers can be recognized on three different designation levels: Recognized, Exemplary and Master. Based on these teacher designations, additional teacher-focused allotment funding will be awarded to districts to reward their top performers. Teachers earn designations through two different routes. First, National Board Certified teachers are eligible to earn a Recognized designation. Second, districts may designate their effective teachers when they are approved for a local teacher designation system. The approval process is multi-step and includes the submission of a system application to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and then a data validation process through Texas Tech University.
Region 3 by the Numbers
Designated Teachers as of Spring 2025: 161
Fully Approved Local Designation:
Accepted Local Designations:
LOI Submitted:
Benefiting Texas Teachers
The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) gives teachers an accessible pathway to earning a higher income while remaining in the classroom, allowing them to make a greater difference in the lives of Texas students. TIA elevates the teaching profession and allows districts to celebrate their top performing teachers with compensation and recognition through teacher designations.
Not a Grant
Teachers do not apply for TIA. Unlike previous education programs, the Teacher Incentive Allotments are additional state funding written into statute allowing for sustainable funding. There are no caps on teacher designations or allotment funds.
What are Teacher Designations?
Once a teacher is designated, they may generate an annual allotment for their employing school district based on their campus of employment.