Behavior, Discipline, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, Mental Health,
and Social-Emotional Development
Region 3 ESC provides information, technical assistance, support, and professional development to assist districts, campuses, charter schools, and parents in the following areas:
Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS), also called RtI for Behavior - Services provided in positive behavioral supports in cooperation with a comprehensive, statewide effort to address behavioral issues at three levels:
School-wide or universal strategies (Tier 1)
Classroom management and selected interventions (Tier 2)
Individual or targeted interventions (Tier 3)
Technical assistance to assist in effectively managing student behavior in the environment, from the whole campus to the individual student
Helpful Links
National Center on Education Disability and Juvenile Justice (EDJJ)
Tiered Interventions Using Evidence-Based Research (TIER)
TIER is funded by the Texas Education Agency. It focuses on developing and disseminating information about best practices with multitiered systems of support. The goal is to improve the academic and behavioral interventions provided to students in Texas by ensuring that all educators understand and implement evidence-based research strategies within multitiered systems of support.