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Tri-Agency Regional Convener

Mid-Coast Pathways to Success is partnership between Victoria College, The University of Houston-Victoria,

Region 3 Education Service Center, and Workforce Solutions of the Golden Crescent.


Using resources and technical assistance from the Pathways to Prosperity (PtoP) Network – a collaboration of states and regions, Jobs for the Future (JFF), the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and the Texas Regional Pathways Network (TRPN), the Mid-Coast Pathways to Success Leadership Team and key stakeholders are working to build postsecondary and career pathways and credentials that support young people in the attainment of their educational and career goals. This project will also help fill the pipeline for strategic target occupations of employers in the 12-county region of the central Gulf Coast region of Texas.

  • Form engaged and sustainable partnerships among educational entities, employers, workforce boards, training providers, and community organizations that support all students from middle school through postsecondary to enter the workforce at a living wage and with skills to be good community members.

  • To cultivate a skilled workforce in the Texas Mid-Coast region by ensuring all students have access to high quality training and are equipped for successful employment in the sectors driving the region’s economic growth.

  • We continue to frame all our work around the 7 Key Components:

    • Cross-Sector Partners
    • Alignment with Labor Market Demand
    • Integration of Rigorous Core Academics and Career-Focused Learning
    • College and Career Information and Advising
    • Links Between Secondary and Postsecondary Education
    • Credentials with Value in the Labor Market
    • Continuum of Work-Based Learning Experiences


The Mid-Coast Pathways to Success leadership team has idenitfied four goals for the project.

  • Annually hold two Regional CTE Advisory Committee meetings to build and enhance strong cross-sector partnerships to grow career opportunities for all students in the region.


    Addresses Gaps

    • Limited availability of manpower and time of key stakeholders to establish effective partnerships that can address the diverse assets and needs of 12 counties. (reference page 11 of Asset and Gap Analysis - January 2024)
    • The opportunity to add programs of study for regional target occupations in many of our 35 districts and remove the barriers that exist as identified in Asset and Gap Analysis (January 2024, page 14).


    • ​​​​​​​Enhance connections between business and education to identify, recommend, and evaluate career opportunities for students
  • By 2029, we will create an infrastructure for secondary and postsecondary institutions to align target career pathways with credentials and/or degrees of value with regional labor market data.

    Addresses Gaps

    • Better alignment of high school programs of study and postsecondary degrees/certificates and credentials of value with regional labor market inventory
    • Logistics and resource issues as listed on page 16 of Asset and Gap Analysis (January 2024)
    • Challenges related to high school students earning industry-based certifications required or preferred by regional employers (see page 20 of Asset and Gap Analysis - January 2024)


    • There will be infrastructures in place for secondary and postsecondary institutions to prepare students to enter and succeed in the workforce pipeline.
  • By 2029, create an infrastructure between secondary and postsecondary institutions coupled with strong advising, counseling, and supports to increase college and career readiness for all students in the region

    Address Gaps

    • Supports are needed for counselors (particularly for grades 6 – 12) who lack time, expertise with CTE, training so they can best advise students on career and education preparation (see pages 21 and 22 of Asset and Gap Analysis - January 2024)


    • Provide a continuum of learning with student-specific guidance
  • By 2029, 100% of participating school districts will integrate rigorous academics and career-focused learning, including a continuum of work-based learning experiences for all grade levels.


    Addresses Gaps

    • Partnerships are needed between secondary and postsecondary schools and employers to provide work-based learning opportunities for students (see page 24 of Asset and Gap Analysis - January 2024)
    • Incorporate more advanced CTE courses and rigorous academics in Programs of Study (see page 21 of Asset and Gap Analysis - January 2024)
    • Lack of resources to accomplish the above


    • Teachers and subject matter experts will provide up-to-date and robust technical content along with workplace skills training. Work-based learning experiences will include learning about work, learning at work, and learning through work.

Example image of the Mid-Coast Pathways to Success Data Dashboard


The Mid-Coast Pathways to Success Data Dashboard

The ‘Data Dashboard’ will feature the latest available data from our local labor market and local education agencies. This at-a-glance dashboard will function as a resource for monitoring trends and aligning educational programs with local labor market and industry needs.