The Bilingual/ESL/Title III services provide assistance to districts in meeting the needs of English Learners (limited English proficient (LEP) students) through professional development and technical assistance. State requirements are met through the Bilingual/ESL contracted services. Federal guidelines are addressed through Title III with the implementation of supplemental services.
The TEA English Learner Support Division is continuously developing program implementation resources for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to utilize in providing effective bilingual education and English as a second language (ESL) programs for English Learners that meet and exceed state requirements.
For more information, please contact Missy Klimitchek or Laura Longoria for more information.
Welcome to the ESL Certification Course, provided by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). The purpose of this online course is to provide supplemental training on Domain I, II and III of the TExES (ESL) Supplemental #154 exam. This online course will review in context the significance of ESL education in public schools in Texas, explain the historical background across the United States, and specifically define terminology within each competency’s descriptive statements or components. The preparation course is free to Texas educators seeking ESL certification in order to build capacity in their Local Education Agency (LEA).
English Learner Program Implementation Resources - TEA
The TEA English Learner Support Division is continuously developing program implementation resources for Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to utilize in providing effective bilingual education and English as a second language (ESL) programs for English Learners that meet and exceed state requirements.
The English Learner Support Division provides direction and leadership on the implementation of state and federal guidance regarding program services for English learners (ELs).
This web portal provides information and resources that are relevant, accessible, and impactful to support educational leaders, teachers, parents and families, as well as community partners to ensure the academic success of the Texas's English learners.
Title III, Part A - English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement Act
Training Resources
Supporting English Learners in Texas
This web portal provides information and resources that are relevant, accessible, and impactful to support educational leaders, teachers, parents and families, as well as community partners to ensure the academic success of the Texas's English learners.
ELPS Linguistic Instructional Alignment Guide (LIAG)
The purpose of the ELPS Linguistic Instructional Alignment Guide (LIAG) is to support teachers as they identify the essential components for providing K-12 instruction commensurate with English language learners' (ELLs') linguistic needs.
Making the ELPS/TELPAS Connection
The ELPS are used in foundation and enrichment instruction of K-12 ELs.
TELPAS is the assessment for K-12 ELs.
Instructional Resources
¡Colorin colorado!A bilingual site for educators and families of English language learners.