Effective Schools Framework Vetted Improvement Program
The Education Service Center Region 3 is pleased to announce that our Texas Lesson Study program has been vetted and approved by Texas Education Agency to provide support aligned to the following Effective Schools Framework (ESF) Essential Actions: 1.1, 4.1, 5.1, 5.3
Texas Lesson Study
Texas Lesson Study recognizes the central importance and difficulty of teaching and serves as a process of professional development that brings to life standards, frameworks, and best practices in the classroom.
Texas Lesson Study is a system of research and development in which teachers refine ideas about best practice through careful study of actual instruction. Moreover, TXLS is inquiry-based, teacher-driven job-embedded professional development that is employed in weekly Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
A driver of effective instruction, Texas Lesson Study teachers engage in collaborative, continuous cycles of improvement aimed at building capacity in instructional practices and grounded in high-quality instructional materials.
Texas Lesson Study teachers utilize this proven, job-embedded PLC framework to explore instructional problems of practice, and/or to support the implementation of new curriculum, and/or support the implementation of instructional initiatives.
Ongoing support cadence includes a gradual release of tiered essential actions, administrative observation/modeling of PLC facilitation, and performance coaching.
Our Partners
Local Education Agencies (LEAs) are key partners in this work. Region 3 ESC Specialists work closely with teacher teams and district/campus leaders to implement the Texas Lesson Study process in professional learning communities.