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Comprehensive Needs Assessment

State and Federal law require schools to conduct a comprehensive needs assessment (CNA) as part of the planning and decision-making process. Likewise, ESSA requires that a Title I Schoolwide program include a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school, including the needs of migrant students. The purpose of the CNA is to examine multiple sources of data to identify the priority needs and direction for the school. This critical process is the prework to the development of the district/campus improvement plans and decisions regarding the justification for use of ESSA and other funds. Texas Education Code also requires a Comprehensive Needs Assessment {TEC Section 11.251(b), 11.252 (s)(1) and 11.253 (b)}.

Comprehensive Needs Assessments are a requirement at the District and the TIA Campus level where the CNA is Element #1 of the schoolwide plan

THE CNA as a requirement of but is not limited to: TIV, Talent Plans, ESSA application, Migrant program, EL Program, Performance-Based Monitoring (PBM), State Compensatory Education (SCE) Program, Texas Education Code (TEC), and Accountability Strategies.

Items included in a comprehensive assessment in addition to student performance are technology, demographics, discipline, curriculum and instruction, professional development, school culture climate and organization, family and community involvement, and parent, student, and community surveys. 

To access the CCNA Toolkit, click here


There is a validation process that happens with TEA once a year with the combination of the needs assessment and individual Title I A campus improvement plans.