The science department staff at Region 3 is dedicated to empowering educators and inspiring students to excel in science education. We offer a comprehensive suite of professional development opportunities, including cutting-edge, hands-on trainings and personalized teacher coaching services. These programs are designed to deepen educators' understanding of the TEKS, foster critical thinking skills, master differentiated instruction techniques, and hone scientific process skills. By participating in our innovative training and coaching initiatives, teachers join a community of lifelong learners committed to making science relevant and exciting for students. Together, we strive to connect classroom concepts to real-world applications, cultivating the next generation of scientific thinkers, problem-solvers, and innovators, and ensuring all students have the opportunity to succeed in science and beyond.
Helpful Links
Living Science Materials
Living Materials Cooperative will provide live plants and animals to school campuses as needed for instructional projects. Use of living materials allows school children hands-on experience with various plants and animal species. The menu of materials available was expanded to include enrichment activities, glass microscope slide sets, handouts, new live animals, new microscopic organisms and new planting materials.
Science STAAR Redesign scoring and samples
NEW TEKS (to be implemented 2024-2025)
Provides clarification, guidance, and support to science stakeholders for the development and implementation of the K–12 science Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) and science graduation requirements.
-Science TEKS Guide
-2017-2021 TEKS Side-by-Side Documents
-TEKS in Focus
-K-12 Vertical Alignment Documents
-Science TEKS Resources
-TEA STEM Toolkit
-Supporting Science TEKS with STEM One-Pager
TEA Science STAAR Resources
-Assessed Curriculum
-Performance Level Descriptors
-Constructed Response Scoring Guides
-Additional Resources (Calculator Policy, Refernce Materials, Timeline for Assessing New Science TEKS, New Question Type Samplers)
Proposed TEKS and Instructional Materials Revision and Adoption Schedule